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Space end?

From:  "frank"

does space ever end?

Sean simply answered with this:  

Of course it does. In an 'e'.

Confused and Bored took a stab at the answer: 

This is in response to "Does space ever end?" If you are talking outer space, which I assume you are, we don't know yet. Scientists have not reached that far using telescopes and such to find if space does truly have an end. But if you think about it, space is a void of nothingness, no air, no gravity, just... well, space. So in order for space to end, there would have to be something at the end to fill in the nothingness that makes what we call "Space." So logically, the answer would be no, but that is not a definite.

Joe sent us this: 

Current science indicates that there is no end to space, however since we are acclimated to "borders" from conception throughout our entire existence this concept is impossible to realistically grasp. Until mankind or their machines can confirm/disprove this we can only think in understandable terms, such as "How big does the ocean seem to a microorganism which spends its entire life cycle in a couple of cubic meters of water far out at sea?"

steeplechase3k did a little research and answered this: 

No, space does not ever end. Space is constantly expanding into nothingness.
From the moment of the big bang (when EVERYTHING was pressed down into
infinite density, and an infinite temperature) 'space' has been expanding.
There are 2 different things that could occur. Either space will continue to expand forever, or it will eventually begin to contract, and quite possibly end in a 'big crunch'. Everything outside of our galaxy (other galaxies) are moving away from us. This is known because the light from all other galaxies is 'red shifted.' That means that the light is slightly moved toward the red end of the light spectrum. (when a light source moves toward an observer it becomes blue shifter, away is red shifted).
The is a huge amount of information about topic online and in Libraries!

greg shared this with us: 

in response to the question does space ever end.
we as human beings cannot fathom that the universe may not have an ending. or maybe that what we know of our universe just might be a molecule in someones fingernail etc. the question is impossible to answer because we as a race cannot possibly fathom the answer. not to say we are stupid but it would be like explaining a racecar to a primate. we cannot grasp the whole idea mentally. so the answer is no it doesn't end. unless you die then you wont care.

freak of nature sent us this idea: 

i dont think so. it will always expend.
even after hundreds of years space will be growing

Paul:  Does space end? That is a question of great debate. The blackness of space is considered endless, however it is believed that there is a point at which the stars end.
If you subscribe to the theory of the universe having been created by a Big Bang, then it would only stand to reason that in the 14 billion year history of the universe, the stars would only have travled so far.
The creationist theory could provide for stars to continue for infinity.

tbaggray pointed out this information: 

Not exactly a stupid question. Einstein postulated that if he traveled in a straight line away from the earth long enough he would end up back where he started. This is due to the "warping" of what we consider to be our physical universe, but which is purely the inherent nature of the fabric of all things, the space-time continuum. A way to conceive of the continuum is to note that the distance between two points a & b is NOT a straight line. The nature of space over vast distances can be conceptualized as bringing point a to point b, like taking the ends of a straight filament and bending it until the ends meet. The question is what power source could be developed to bend the space time continuum at will and get from point a to point b without traversing it by time and distance. hence you have the fabled "transporter" in Star Trek.
In answer to the question, space ends because it ends up where it started, always from every point.

Colleen gave us these facts: 

All that we really know is that the Universe is made up of many galaxies and that galaxies are grouped together in clusters. These clusters are collected together into chains and ribbons called galaxy superclusters. The Centarus cluster is 200 million light years away from us and increases its distance from us every two seconds by the width of North America. It makes sense to me to say that because clusters are expanding outward, that space does not end.

The Bili agreed with Sean: 

About space ending.... dude dont you know how to spell? I mean, you did right it out! SPACE! S-P-A-C-E... see? it ends with E, stupid!

TB concluded the conversation with this:   

according to the big bang theory, the size of the universe is continuously expanding and technically does not have an "end". If you were to take a moment in time then you could say that space does have an end from moment to the next. Scientists have given an approximation to rhe size of the universe to 10 billion light years in radius. This number comes from the estimated age of the universe multiplied by the speed of light.

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